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Charlottetown climate report raises future red flags, warns that doing nothing isn’t an option [Video]

Canadian National News

A new report released by the City of Charlottetown details how rising sea levels and extreme heat are expected to affect P.E.I.’s capital in the decades to come.

But the 81-page report, called “The Cost of Doing Nothing,” also explains what the city could do to mitigate the impact of climate change. 

“It can look a little bit dismal when you just look at all of these big, scary numbers associated with what climate change is going to cost us,” said Katrina Cristall, Charlottetown’s climate action officer. 

“I want [people] to remember that actions are planned and lots of actions are happening. Though it is concerning, of course, we’re in this together and there’s a lot of positive stories out there too.”

A report released by the City of Charlottetown is detailing how extreme weather is expected to take a toll on the city in the decades to come — …

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