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Chartreuse shortage has bartenders crying and an Ottawa distillery innovating [Video]

Canadian Economy and Markets

The French liqueur Chartreuse has become a cult favourite in the bartending community in recent years. That popularity, plus a decision by the monks, has made it harder to find in many markets.

The French liqueur Chartreuse has become a cult favourite in the bartending community in recent years. That popularity, plus a production cap by the monks who make it, has resulted in a shortage in many markets. 

In Ontario, a hold on orders has some establishments rationing their supply.

“When we felt this was coming on, we stockpiled as much as we could,” said Stephen Flood, head bartender at Ottawa’s Riviera restaurant

“Right now, we’re down to what is in that gigantic bottle at the back. We’ve been pouring into smaller bottles, but that’s going to run out pretty soon.”

Flood describes the flavour as like nothing else, making it an indispensable weapon in a bartender’s arsenal, one …

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