Alberta News

City of Lethbridge offers guidance on cleaning up after Christmas [Video]

With piles of presents unwrapped Wednesday, Environment Lethbridge is reminding everyone to dispose of all that waste properly.

Styrofoam, wrapping paper, ribbons and bows are not recyclable and should be put into the black bin.

Kathleen Sheppard of Environment Lethbridge said that most wrapping paper is coated with plastic and not able to be recycled.

However, cardboard boxes, metal containers and plastic can be put into the blue bins.

Sheppard said it’s also a good idea to reuse some of those items next year such as bows or giftbags.

“Pretty much any of your food scraps can go right into your green bin,” she said, “so that includes bread, that includes scraps from your turkey, and of course all of the potato peelings and vegetable scraps as well – so anything like that that comes out of the kitchen can go into the green bin.”

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