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City of Steinbach tightens animal control rules, raises fines – [Video]

Canadian National News

Steinbach City Council has taken the first step in updating its Animal Control By-Law, making changes that aim to keep both pets and people safe. Councillors approved the First Reading of the updated rules this week, showing their commitment to improving how animals are managed in the community. 

Councillor Jac Siemens, who made the motion to approve, said he is happy with the changes. “There are a lot of good changes. I think it will help with managing our pets,” Siemens said. 

Higher Fines for Breaking the Rules 

One of the biggest changes is an increase in fines for breaking the by-law. If an animal is running loose, the owner could be fined $200. This fine can be reduced to $100 if paid early. For aggressive or dangerous dogs that are not muzzled or properly restrained, the fine is $400, with a reduced rate of $200 for early payment. 

Other fines include $200 for not following …

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