Ontario News

City of Windsor working toward banner year for tree planting [Video]

The City of Windsor is on track to plant a record number of trees this year — as long as Mother Nature doesn’t get in the way.

The last of 1,400 trees was planted in June to end the city’s spring program toward an annual 2,500 new trees; expected to be hit in the fall when the planting resumes.

“Hopefully, fingers crossed, we don’t have a disaster when we’re supposed to be starting our planting program,” said Yemi Adeyeye, the Forester for the City of Windsor.

Adeyeye expects his crews can top that target and set a new high water mark for the city’s planting efforts, as long as staff aren’t redirected elsewhere for a major storm cleanup.

He says the new tree target is part of a more robust commitment to re-treeing Windsor and boosting its canopy beyond the current 19 per cent coverage.

“Our planting is catching up …

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