Canadian Politics and Government

City staff to weigh options on Windsor school zone safety [Video]

City staff will consider the logistics of revaluating school zone safety after a council question from Ward 7 representative Angelo Marigniani.

Marigniani said he’s heard “constant” concern about the areas surrounding schools since his election to council.

He wonders if city hall can partner with Windsor police and school staff to look at each school in Windsor and assess what it needs.

“Let’s have each councillor engage with each principal and see what we can do together,” said Marigniani.

School zone complaints he said he’d often heard include congestion, near-misses with kids, speeding, and distracted driving.

He said a review might suggest lowered speed limits, bolstered signage, or relocating drop off areas.

Marigniani expected staff to return with their findings March 19.

The councillor said he hoped that data would then be strengthened by a recently announced study out of the University of Windsor, targeting distracted driving in school zones

“Let’s develop a plan with all …

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