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Clothing drive aims to help people in Congo [Video]

Ontario News

A clothing and shoes drive is underway in London, Ont. to aid those in displacement camps in Congo.

‘Untitled Blessings’ is a student-led non-profit group made up primarily of undergraduate students from Western University. They are collaborating with the ‘Ntibonera Foundation’ who will be delivering the items once shipped.

Organizers say increasing violence from militias and high rates of human trafficking have caused families to flee from their homes.

These families are facing extreme poverty and are winding up in displacement camps.

“Not many people know what’s going on in Congo. It’s a very dear situation for me because I am from Africa. I’m Nigerian and looking at people going through such hardship is very heartbreaking,” said Paula Umeh, founder of Untitled Blessings and organizer of ‘Project Congo.’ “I started doing my independent research when I saw how big of an issue it is, but how little the light is on it.”

A clothing and shoes drive to help …

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