Pro-hamas gender theorists...?
Pro-hamas gender theorists...?
Arctic security must be a top priority for Canada – not an afterthought: Ken Coates and Ranj Pillai in the Globe and Mail

C&L’s Late Nite Music Club: Howard Jones ‘Things Can Only Get Better’ [Video]

Canadian National News

I loved many of Jones’ songs and many others that came out during this era. It was another British explosion in America.

I know the 80’s faced criticism, but those pop classics had great melodies. I played in a corporate band in the 80’s to make money so we played many of them for parties, weddings, and corporate events.

The Progressive Aspect:

Howard Jones’s music career started when his family moved to Canada when he was a teenager. You may, or may not, be surprised to hear that his first band was Warrior, a progressive rock group who released an album in 1972 called Invasion, described as having shades of Genesis and ELP. As a keyboard player he cites Keith Emerson amongst his influences, but when he returned to England the Prog world’s loss ultimately became Pop’s gain. In 1983 he even hired the Marquee Club, during the early neo-prog years no less, …

Identity politics and the capture of canadian research funding: Peter Copeland and Dave Snow
Identity politics and the capture of canadian research funding: Peter Copeland and Dave Snow
By renaming schools, TDSB is playing into Donald Trump’s hands: Patrice Dutil in the National Post