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CNE job fair in Toronto, thousands attend [Video]

Ontario News

A line of over 4,000 people stretched through the halls of the Enercare Centre Wednesday morning for the Canadian National Exhibition job fair.

“I came to the CNE because I want a job,” a hopeful 15-year-old Diyah Primo told CTV News Toronto.

The crowd of mostly young people arrived early for a chance to work at the Ex this August.

“I dressed up. I try to make myself look presentable, make myself look like I’m capable of doing this job. You know?” explained 16-year-old Muhommed Ojomu.

Over 80 per cent of the applicants for the CNE are between the ages of 14 and 29. While some are looking for part-time work experience during school, others, like Marco Tostevin, are looking to find employment in a tough labour market.

“Well, you know, just trying to get some employment. It’s been a while since I’ve been in the job,” he said. The …

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