The great tug-of-war over Greenland: Dalziel, Rahbek-Clemmensen, Keldsen, Maddox, and Shadian
The great tug-of-war over Greenland: Dalziel, Rahbek-Clemmensen, Keldsen, Maddox, and Shadian
Here’s how Canada can shape the trade and security agenda: Alexander Dalziel and Alan Bersin in Canadian Affairs

Controversial Call? Late Umpire Decision? [Video]

Canadian National News
The KPMG Australia Sail Grand Prix provided us with thrilling racing, but arguably the most contentious moment was when the Australian SailGP Team were awarded a penalty in the pre-start when they were luffed by the Canadian NorthStar SailGP Team.

Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen on the crucial choice facing Greenland
Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen on the crucial choice facing Greenland's geopolitical future
Breaking barriers: How provinces can drive Canada’s prosperity by unlocking trade and labour mobility