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CSKT stands with Crow Tribe following U.S. Senate candidate Tim Sheehys remarks [Video]

First Nations News

MISSOULA — The Confederated Salish and Kootenai Tribes (CSKT) are standing in solidarity with the Crow Tribe after disparaging remarks from Republican Senate Candidate Tim Sheehy.

Charkoosta News posted an audio file where Sheehy can be heard saying Crow Tribal members are drunk by 8 in the morning and they threw beer cans at his head during the Crow Fair.

CSKT says Sheehy’s comments are disrespectful and send a dangerous message about Indigenous people.“These people tend to think that they know what’s best for tribal people and they really don’t and … in the position they’re in the … spot that they’re at, they’re, they’re thinking that they don’t need to be educated more about who we are when, in fact, they do need to be educated more,” CSKT Tribal Chairman Michael Dolson told MTN. “And these kind of remarks really show an immaturity …

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