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Danford Lake, Que. facing 370 per cent property tax hike [Video]

Quebec News


Residents in the small Quebec village of Danford Lake may soon be priced out of their homes, as property valuations and taxes are set to skyrocket.

Located roughly an hour north of Ottawa, the village of Danford Lake – also known as Alleyn et Cawood – is home to just 300 people, with seasonal cottagers coming and going through the year. But earlier this year, homeowners in the area were notified that their property valuations would be increasing by 370 per cent in 2025, and along with it, the amount they pay in property taxes.

“Currently, my home is valued at $199,000. When this new comparative factor comes into effect in 2025, my home will be worth $738,000,” says Sidney Squitti, a lifelong Danford Lake resident and current municipal councillor.

“So, my property taxes will increase from $2,500 annually to $8,000 annually.”

Squitti says the drastic increase is due to …

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