Canadian National News

Democrats Abroad preparing for election [Video]

Erin Kotecki Vest, chair of Democrats Abroad Canada, speaks with Alberta Primetime host Michael Higgins about preparing for the upcoming U.S. Election.

This interview has been edited for length and clarity. 

Michael Higgins: U.S. President Joe Biden made his first address Wednesday evening since announcing he would not seek a second term in office and pledged his support for Kamala Harris to be the Democratic nominee.

What struck you most about Joe Biden’s address, the message he extended?

Erin Kotecki Vest:The message he extended and the very Joe-ness of it is what I would call it. He was so humble. He put aside his ego for his country. You could tell he was fighting emotion and he wanted to make sure that the American people knew that there was still a democratic process that’s going to happen behind the scenes here. This isn’t a coronation of the vice-president but this is what he needed to do so that we could move forward in …

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