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Donald Trump shooting: How it could affect the election [Video]

Canadian National News

The aftermath of the assassination attempt on former U.S. president Donald Trump this weekend could give him an edge among voters and send him back to the Oval Office, according to one political expert.

Republican strategist Cory Crowley tells CTV News Channel both Trump and Joe Biden will have to proceed with their campaigns carefully, noting the current U.S. president “has the more difficult job,” since he was not the victim of an attempted killing.

“It certainly fires up (Trump’s) base and gets him excited. Everybody who was thinking of supporting Trump or was leaning toward him, I think, is now going to be solidly in that camp,” Crowley said.

The strategist adds the Pennsylvania shooting likens Trump to Ronald Reagan, who Crowley notes was considered a Republican icon and unifying force.

“Going into the (Republican National Convention) this week, (Trump) will be able to ride this wave into …

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