Ontario News

Downtown Chatham, Ont. to be transformed with large art murals [Video]

Nine artists are coming to Chatham, Ont. this week to transform the look of the downtown.

“I’m sick and tired of having to leave my town to go find culture and art and large scale installations,” said artist Sarah Steele. “I think it’s time for our little small town to have something neat to happen”.

Steele took it upon herself to make that change and decided to create the C-K Can Jam which will see eight murals completed by the end of the week.

Inspired by the Track to the Mural Festival in 2022 in St. Thomas, and the Free for All Walls Festival in Windsor, Ont. Steele has brought in artists from North America and Australia to work in the downtown over the next five days.

One of those artists is Caesar Perez known as CZR PRZ from Chicago, Ill.

“I like coming out to traveling to different places and painting,” said Perez, an urban contemporary artist who will be …

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