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Durham Region keeps its three seats at the table in Ontario Premier’s new cabinet [Video]

Ontario News

Pickering-Uxbridge MPP Peter Bethlenfalvy stays on as Finance MInister in Premier Doug Ford’s new cabinet

Durham Riding MPP Todd McCarthy is taking on the role of environment minister in Premier Doug Ford’s new cabinet, the only change among the Durham Region’s three cabinet ministers.

McCarthy moves to the higher profile post from his previous jobs as minister of public and business service delivery.

Ford’s chief lieutenant, Pickering-Uxbridge MPP Peter Bethlenfalvy, stays in his role as finance minister.

Northumberland-Peterborough South MPP David Piccini, whose riding takes in the eastern portion of Clarington, keep his job as Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development minister.

Ford had increased the number of ministers since he was first elected in 2018, with his cabinet growing to 37 after he brought new associate ministers on board in August.

His new cabinet remains at 37 members.

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