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Eastern P.E.I. ski club shining a light on what its trails have to offer [Video]

Prince Edward Island News

The Souris Striders Ski Club has started a project to extend the lighted section of its trails to make it the longest lit ski trail in the Maritimes, the group says.

The northeastern P.E.I. club has 13 kilometres of trails in total, but only three of those are currently lit, said club member Chad Mooney. The project would see another three kilometres worth of lighting added, he said. 

“We get a lot of users that come out in the evenings that want to ski after work or after hours or take their children out,” he said. 

“Ultimately, trail accessibility is typically led by lit trail systems because people don’t want to go out in the dark.”

Some people travel from as far as Stratford to ski the trails, says Becky Townshend, the club’s president. (Nancy Russell/CBC)

The cost of the project is about $250,000, and will be funded by the …

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