Canadian National News

Editorial: As “Esthers” rally for Christian Nationalism, minority religions must take notice [Video]

WASHINGTON – Last week in Pagan Community Notes, we reported on disturbing events at Higher Purpose Emporium, a metaphysical store in Fort Worth, Texas. The store shared with The Wild Hunt their experiences of being targeted, underscoring an alarming trend for Pagan businesses in the U.S. While disconcerting on its own, this story has gained new significance due to its striking parallels with language employed at a massive Christian rally held this weekend in Washington, DC.

Organizers of the event, called “A Million Women,” described the gathering — and the upcoming presidential election — as a “last stand moment” to save the nation from perceived forces of darkness. For hours, attendees sang worship songs, waved flags symbolizing their belief that America was founded as a Christian nation, and prayed aloud for Jesus to intercede on Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump’s behalf in November.

Christian nationalism is a religious movement that promotes the idea that Christian views should dominate American political …

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