Ontario News

Electric Scooters in Ottawa: Are e-scooters here to stay? [Video]

2024 marks the final year of Ottawa’s electric scooter pilot project, but will the program be extended?

Transportation committee chair Tim Tierney tells CFRA Kristy Cameron it’s up to the province of Ontario to extend the project and make the scooters permanent. He notes that it’s highly likely for the province to extend it.

“I don’t think that they’re going to axe it,” Tierney said. “We’ve had two very successful years, we’ll see what happens this year.”

Tierney says this year, they will be implementing a number of changes that could see more scooters hit the streets, including implementing a sobriety test in the later hours of the evening around 11 p.m., and an earlier start to the season.

“We also want to extend the season, we’re starting a month earlier on April 15. People are actually using it to go to a local restaurant, or even getting to work,” …

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