Sam Singer got his start writing songs about pizza parties and playing house concerts in the basement of his parents’ Garden City home.
He’s come a long way since then.
Now, the Winnipeg singer-songwriter has taken his Leonard Cohen-esque vocals and melancholy music on the road to promote his sophomore album, Where the Rivers Do.
The Free Press caught up with him on the eve of his departure. The 26-year-old was working in the family sportswear shop to earn some extra cash for his impending western Canadian tour.
“It’s nice to be around my dad and my uncle, but it’s kind of, like, really boring,” he says with a laugh.
Listening to music while screen printing team logos is the main perk of the job. The day’s playlist was a soul mix — Darondo, Jerry Butler and James Brown.
Singer got his first guitar at nine years old. He was determined to follow in the callused fingerprints of Jimi Hendrix and …