DURANGO, Colo. — A student club at Fort Lewis College in Durango calls itself the “Rising Matriarchs.” These women collaborated with the Fort Lewis College’s Center of Southwest Studies to create a group project to raise awareness about Missing or Murdered Indigenous Relatives. The term “Indigenous Relatives” refers to the kinship between Indigenous People — regardless of tribal or clan relationships.
Lauryn Baldwin, Rising Matriarch’s project Coordinator at Fort Lewis College, said students from campus decided to create three pieces: a ribbon skirt, atikluk and blanket with the goal of provoking community conversations.
Each work is unique with original designs contributed by students. Elise Boulanger, a Fort Lewis College curatorial fellow, asked students to look to their communities for inspiration of what to create as an exhibit.
At the beginning of fall 2022, both Baldwin and Sahalee Martin, president of Rising Matriarchs at Fort Lewis College, had the idea of creating traditional garments. Boulanger provided …