Canada's New Arctic Foreign Policy: What's In, What's Missing, What's Next
Russian disinformation on both sides of the Atlantic: Marcus Kolga for the Riga Security Forum podcast

Expensive Transit & Fixing Roads Seattle Transit Blog [Video]

Canadian Environment and Climate

The number of car fatalities in the United States has declined over the decades:

Overall: The number of traffic deaths has decreased since the 1970s, and the rate of deaths per 100,000 people is 38% lower than it was in 1975.

Per capita: The number of deaths per capita decreased by 35.46% from 1979 to 2005.

Mileage: The mileage death rate has decreased 93% since 1923.

Drunk driving: Drunk driving fatalities have decreased 36% since 1982, and 83% among people under 21.

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) has implemented a number of safety initiatives to reduce traffic deaths, including requiring automatic emergency braking systems in passenger cars and light trucks by 2029. Driver assistance technology and apps can also help prevent crashes, such as lane-departure warning, blind spot.

I raise these points to highlight that traffic safety has been an ongoing function of road repair and car design …

Confronting Censorship and Defending Free Speech in Professional Associations and Beyond
Confronting Censorship and Defending Free Speech in Professional Associations and Beyond
Universities need to focus on education if they hope to stem their financial decline: Peter MacKinnon in the National Post