Quebec News

Family daycare managers reach agreement with Quebec [Video]

The agreement between the Quebec government and the union organization representing around 9,000 Responsables de services éducatifs (RSE) in family daycares has been ratified by 84 per cent of unionized workers.

The CSQ-affiliated Fédération des intervenantes en petite enfance made the announcement early Friday morning. It is the union organization representing the largest number of home childcare providers in Quebec.

“We are pleased with the result. Through these negotiations, we were able to make some progress on a number of issues: allowing a little more access to infants, and also protecting our RSEs with protection against inflation. So, it’s not perfect, but the agreement is satisfactory”, said federation president Anne-Marie Bellerose.

The RSEs are not paid by the hour, as is the case for workers in the public daycare centres (CPE). Instead, they receive a subsidy from the Families Ministry, which takes into account not only their remuneration, but also …

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