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FIQ: conciliator’s proposed agreement will be submitted to members [Video]

Quebec News

FIQ union representatives have agreed to submit the conciliator’s proposed agreement to members and will vote on it on Oct. 15, 16 and 17.

The recommendation from the conciliator was presented on Sunday, finally raising some hope, more than 500 days after the collective agreements of the Fédération interprofessionnelle de la santé expired on March 31, 2023.

FIQ members will also stop their pressure tactics. On Monday, the Administrative Labour Tribunal ordered them not to refuse to work overtime, which the FIQ had asked its members to do starting Thursday.

If the vote seems far away, it’s because the FIQ must first inform its members of the content of the conciliator’s proposed agreement during meetings and answer their questions.

FIQ members work days, evenings, nights, weekends and in many health, rehabilitation, long-term care and other institutions. The organization must allow all its members to obtain the necessary information before deciding.

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