Saskatchewan News

First Nations University of Canada: Welcome Back pow-wow brings students together [Video]

After a one-year hiatus, the Late Tony Cote Welcome Back pow-wow has returned to the First Nations University of Canada (FNUniv).

The pow-wow has been a way to welcome new and returning students of FNUniv, as well as a way to begin the new school in a positive way.

The event has also been a time for students of the University of Regina to visit FNUniv and see what the institution has to offer.

“It’s good to know there are other cultures that are looking to be apart of us, interested in us. said Fearence Francis, the president of the FNUniv Students’ Association.

Francis added, “it’s great to start forming those connections and forming those relationships.”

Faye Cote, the daughter of Tony Cote, addressed the audience. She spoke on behalf of her family about the pow-wow …

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