Ontario News

Ford government says Ontario Science Centre must be vacant to do repairs [Video]

The province says keeping the current Ontario Science Centre building open to the public even temporarily would still require the “immediate closure” of the facility along with an initial investment of $70 million in “urgent capital repairs” and another $20 to $40 million for “immediate roof repairs.”

Amid public backlash, the province is continuing to defend its decision to abruptly close the beloved Toronto tourist attraction, suggesting that it would cost “a minimum” of half a billion to keep the aging museum open long-term. 

The museum was permanently closed on June 21 after the province said a recent report from engineering firm Rimkus identified a number of roof panels that would need to be replaced or reinforced at facility.

The report was the catalyst for closing the facility last month, with Infrastructure Minister Kinga Surma calling the deteriorating roof panels a “health and safety risk.”

Staff can remain at the …

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