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Four Seasons’ private jet tour is one of the world’s most luxurious travel experiences [Video]

Canadian National News

Have you ever wondered what the world’s most luxurious vacation is? Well, the Four Seasons Private Jet Experience is definitely up there.

Forget first-class plane rides and fancy restaurants, this is the epitome of luxury that only the super-rich can afford – but people think the price isn’t bad for what you get.

The Four Seasons “Around-the-World Adventure” is a tour organized by the famous American hotel chain where they take you to various countries on a private jet.

Each trip varies in length from around two to six weeks and takes you to different areas of the world while staying in Four Seasons properties.

It’s a “fully customized around-the-world journey where you’ll explore new passions, flavors and perspectives,” the website reveals.

The plane is a luxury on its own, a custom-designed Airbus A321neoLR with 48 cream Italian leather seats, a spacious lounge and impeccable service.

Sold by TCS World Travel and …

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