Quebec News

Francois Legault and Mohawk grand chief Cody Diabo sign a declaration of mutual respect [Video]

Quebec and the Mohawk Council of Kahnawake signed what is being described as a “joint declaration of understanding and mutual respect” on Friday.

Sitting side by side in a Montreal hotel, Premier François Legault and Grand Chief Cody Diabo made no secret of their satisfaction with signing the document. Though symbolic, it seems to serve as a balm for the often strained relationship between Quebec and the Mohawks of Kahnawake.

“For me, this is an important declaration, a new beginning, if you like, of good relations, of a special relationship between the Quebec government and the Mohawks of Kahnawake. It shows that we have a bond of trust,” said the premier.

“I am convinced that the declaration we are signing today will have positive outcomes for both Quebec and the Mohawks of Kahnawake,” he continued.

Avoiding contentious language

Grand Chief Diabo, for his part, was very pleased with the agreement’s text, which, unlike …

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