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Fulton Creek encampment powered by generators [Video]

Alberta News

Edmonton police have dismantled two large encampments in the Fulton Creek area, including one with electricity.

Police said they recently discovered the camps while investigating a break and enter in the area. The first spanned multiple sites, while the second was located just north of it.

At the second camp, officers found “elaborate” wooden structures built into a hill and powered by generators.

In a video released by police, one building can be seen made of sticks, logs, plywood and other building materials with a solar paneled roof.

Another building featured a room supported with timber beams, a built-in window and cupboard.

Nearby, police found parts of dismantled electric vehicles, power tools, an industrial stripping machine, a welding kit and a large amount of copper wiring.

Solar panels can be seen on the roof of a structure built into a …

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