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Glass recycling co-op NewfoundSAND has smashing success in first public collection [Video]

Canadian Economy and Markets

Glass recycling co-op NewfoundSAND has smashing success in first public collection | Loaded

Glass recycling co-op NewfoundSAND has smashing success in first public collection

  • 17 hours ago
  • News
  • Duration 5:43

People in St. John’s lined up for a rare chance to recycle household glass this weekend. Glass recycling co-op NewfoundSAND made its public debut at St. John’s Farmers Market, crushing hundreds of jars and bottles into sand in front of a fascinated crowd. But why doesn’t St. John’s recycle glass in the first place?

Eco-colonialism and Indigenous involvement in the natural resource sector
Eco-colonialism and Indigenous involvement in the natural resource sector
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