Chris Rufo on the need for a balance between populist and elite politics...
Chris Rufo on the need for a balance between populist and elite politics...
An unhelpful analysis of income inequality in Canada: Philip Cross in the Financial Post

GMFS Visit Joplin! [Video]

Canadian National News

Patrick Tuttle, Director of Visit Joplin, came by to tell us about a Military Vehicle Convoy heading to the Four States! The Military Vehicle Preservation Association (MVPA) Convoy Command has announced that its next transcontinental convoy will occur October 1-31, 2024. The convoy will retrace the historic 1918 Jefferson Highway route starting in Minnesota, near the US/Canadian border, and traveling south to New Orleans, Louisiana, in 30 days, driving over 2,500 miles. The convoy will make an early morning stop in Joplin on Wednesday, October 16th, and the public is invited to view the 40+ vintage military vehicles from around 8:30 until 10:00 a.m. The convoy will stop in the parking lot of the Old Airport Terminal off Highway 171 (5501 Dennis Weaver Blvd). Convoy members will be available to provide information and a history of the vehicles. The Joplin stopover is a breakfast stop for convoy members (not open …

Canada has 3 million non-permanent residents with expiring visas...
Canada has 3 million non-permanent residents with expiring visas...
The climate crisis is global — our solutions should be, too: Jerome Gessaroli in the National Observer