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GoManitoba carpooling app given a fresh new look [Video]

Canadian National News

A Manitoba-based carpooling app is back with a fresh new interface.

GoManitoba is designed to make it easier for Manitobans to park their cars and find greener ways to get to work.

“This tool connects Manitobans to not only find carpool partners but to also find walking, biking, and transit options,” said Mel Marginet from the Green Action Centre at the app’s re-launch event on Thursday.

It first launched in 2017 but saw the number of users dwindle during the pandemic.

The group says the latest version allows businesses to build their own commuter networks and is more user-friendly.

“Before, we found it had a lot of options for users, but for people who were not more used to using online tools, it could be a little too complicated,” said Marginet.

Mel Marginet from the Green Action Centre shares more about the newly re-designed GoManitoba carpooling app on Sept. 12, …

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