The Green Party’s new logo is an emoji.
The federal party unveiled its new brand, a green dot, on Tuesday on Parliament Hill, possibly weeks before a snap federal election.
“The great thing about this logo is that it is easily reproducible … It is also an emoji, quite frankly,” Green Party co-leader Jonathan Pedneault said at a news conference.
“So it is something that is highly versatile.”
Pedneault added that he hoped the party’s grassroots members could easily reproduce the logo.
“We want this logo to be representative. But also, we want people to feel some ownership towards it,” Pedneault told reporters. “And there’s no better way for that to happen than making it easy for people to reproduce.”
For longtime leader Elizabeth May, the logo centres on the party’s core environmental principles.
“It’s a statement around the things that really matter. Yes, a round dot — the planet … yes, a circular economy,” she said.
“What have we committed ourselves to for generations as …