Combatting Disinformation: The Importance of Partnership between Japan and Canada
Combatting Disinformation: The Importance of Partnership between Japan and Canada
Canada’s (formerly) free press get set to cover an election: Peter Menzies in The Hub

Green Party co-leader says Carney acting like a Progressive Conservative in campaign [Video]

Canadian Politics and Government

The Green Party will defend “the progressive vision of Canada” against the threats of U.S. President Donald Trump even as the Liberals move to the right, one of the party’s co-leaders says.

Jonathan Pedneault launched the Green Party’s election campaign alongside long-time leader Elizabeth May on Sunday in Montreal, where he said Canada is up against “some of the most difficult challenges” the country has ever faced – including climate change and an aggressive Trump administration.

“The threat is real. We cannot afford to sit this one out,” he told a crowd of a few dozen candidates and supporters. “We must vote now as though our country depends on it, because more than ever before, it does.”

Pedneault and May both said they were disappointed that Liberal Leader Mark Carney’s first move as prime minister was to scrap the consumer carbon tax. In an interview, Pedneault said Carney is “starting …

Happily ever after? The case for marriage:  Peter Copeland, Andrea Mrozek & Peter Jon Mitchell
Happily ever after? The case for marriage: Peter Copeland, Andrea Mrozek & Peter Jon Mitchell
Drug cartels are a dire threat – but they aren’t terrorists: John Gilmour for Inside Policy