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Greta Thunberg detained by police at pro-Palestinian protest in Denmark – National [Video]

Canadian Environment and Climate

Climate activist Greta Thunberg was arrested by Danish police during a pro-Palestinian demonstration at the University of Copenhagen on Wednesday.

Thunberg, 21, and student organizers were arrested shortly after protestors entered an administrative building that houses the office of the rector, the university’s head official. The student group that organized the protest, Students Against the Occupation, said they were there to demand the university institute an academic boycott of Israeli universities.

The student group, which had previously organized an encampment at the University of Copenhagen, shared video of Thunberg being escorted into the back of a police vehicle in handcuffs. Thunberg can be seen wearing a keffiyeh, a traditional Arabic scarf that has become a symbol of Palestinian solidarity.

Students Against the Occupation later posted on its Instagram story that “actionists” were released earlier that day. According to Danish media reports, Thunberg was seen leaving the police station.

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A spokesperson with Danish police told Reuters that six …

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