Ontario News

Guelph Police Service purchases armoured vehicle [Video]

The Guelph Police Service has a new armoured vehicle available for its Tactics and Rescue Unit.

The service is calling it their Community Rescue Vehicle, and said it will be used to assist officers responding to high risk situations.

“Things like an active shooter situation, an armed barricade situation. we may use it for vehicle interdiction,” Staff Sergeant Michael Davis said.

In high-risk situations, officers first look for areas of cover and concealment. The new vehicle can help provide both of those needs.

“The best we could do before was perhaps to use items that were already at the scene. Now when we have those types of situations, we’ll be able to deploy this and officers can now provide that cover, that concealment directly from here with a high level of protection,” Davis said.

“Something we like to say is we’d rather be looking at the resource than looking for …

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