Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada
Heather Exner-Pirot on Canada's role as a principled provider of energy and resources
What should a Conservative climate policy look like? Hopefully Alberta’s: Heather Exner-Pirot in the Hub

Haisla Nation signs off on multi-billion-dollar Cedar LNG plant for B.C. coast [Video]

First Nations News

Another liquified natural gas export plant on British Columbia’s coast is poised to go ahead.

On Tuesday, the Hasila Nation and its partner Pembina Pipeline Corporation announced a green light with their final investment decision in the Cedar LNG plant.

The $US3.4 billion project will see the construction of a floating LNG facility in Haisla territory in Kitimat.

The nation is a majority owner in the project with a 50.1 per cent stake.

“With Cedar LNG, we have proven that Indigenous communities can successfully forge a path to economic independence and generational prosperity,” Haisla Chief Councillor Crystal Smith said in a statement.

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“We have created a model for how sustainable energy development should be done, with Indigenous Nations as owners, balancing environmental interests with global demand for cleaner energy.”

The project has already secured all major regulator approvals and has signed an agreement with the Coastal GasLink Pipeline for the delivery of …

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