Christopher Dummitt on the lack of viewpoint diversity in Canadian academia: MLI in Parliament
Christopher Dummitt on the lack of viewpoint diversity in Canadian academia: MLI in Parliament
Macdonald should not be judged through the warped lens of presentism: Patrice Dutil for Inside Policy

Halifax history is slowly being wiped off the map: study [Video]

Nova Scotia News

Saint Mary’s University archeologist Jonathan Fowler is sounding an alarm with a new study. According to Fowler, the centuries-old architecture that adds to Halifax’s heritage and historic vibe is slowly being wiped away as the city grows.

“You look at the maps and you see old Halifax of 1878,” said Fowler. “We’ve layered that over the modern city, and you compare what was there and what is there now.”

Fowler is leading a study that measures urban change as an academic exercise. He concedes, construction and development are part of the natural evolution for all cities in North America.

“Cities have always been about change and are very dynamic, and that’s OK,” said Fowler. “But in a historic city like Halifax, we have to be deliberate about that change and be intelligent about it or we’ll wake up in a city that doesn’t look like anything we know.”

Many buildings have disappeared.

Fowler’s research has uncovered …

How Canada
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