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Halifax lacking in accessible transit according to some users [Video]

Nova Scotia News

Halifax has 47 buses in its Access-A-Bus fleet, but still it doesn’t seem to be meeting the demand for the service.

“I am having quite a lot of difficulties using the city’s Access-A-Bus service,” says Caden Flynn.

Flynn is 23 years old and has cerebral palsy. He depends on the bus to get him to and from his job with Easter Seals Nova Scotia.

He’s become frustrated with what he says is an unreliable service that shows up late, or sometimes not at all.

“I don’t feel that any other group of people would be expected to put up with this lack of service but when you’re disabled, it often feels like you’re told, you’ll take whatever you can get,” says Flynn.

“It’s archaic, it’s not working. We need investment,” says the president of Easter Seals Nova Scotia, Joanne Bernard.

Bernard adds the province of Nova Scotia has the highest rate of people with disabilities per capita …

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