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Halifax man IDd as victim killed in N.B. home invasion tied to emergency alert [Video]

Nova Scotia News

A 35-year-old Halifax man has been identified as the victim killed in a violent New Brunswick home invasion that resulted in an emergency alert being sent out last week.

At approximately 5:51 a.m. last Thursday, RCMP officers in eastern New Brunswick responded to a report of a home invasion at a residence on Isaiah Road, in Berry Mills.

A man and a woman, both in their thirties, were home at the time when three individuals forcibly broke into the house.

Police said an altercation occurred, resulting in the fatality of one man. At the time, police were looking for a 2018 Dodge Ram 2500, and a light-coloured Ford F150. Police said when they arrived, two suspected had already fled the scene.

The man who died was identified Monday as Brian Justin Johnson. He died at the scene as a result of his injuries, police said.

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