Nova Scotia News

Halifax teen attends bail hearing in connection to homicide of Ahmad Al Marrach [Video]

A 14-year-old female charged in the homicide of 16-year-old Ahmad Maher Al Marrach had a bail hearing in Halifax Youth Court Friday.

She is one of four young people charged with second-degree murder of the Halifax teen.

Both Crown attorney Terry Nickerson and defence lawyer Brandon Rolle called a number of witnesses to the stand.

The female accused was also present for Friday’s proceedings.

In addition to Nickerson, the prosecution team includes Sharon Goodwin and Sarah Kirby.

Three other males, two aged 16 and one 14, are also facing second-degree murder charges in the incident. The Crown has previously given notice that they will seek adult sentences for the teens if convicted.

Their identities are protected from publication under the Youth Criminal Justice Act, as well as evidence provided during the bail hearing.

Both sides are set to return to court next Friday.

On April 22, police responded to a report of an injured person in the parking lot of Halifax …

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