Double Trouble: Reflections from GLOBESEC
Double Trouble: Reflections from GLOBESEC
Double Trouble – Reflections from GLOBESEC: Jonathan Berkshire Miller, Marcus Kolga, and Alexander Lanoszka

Halifax woman recovering after altercation with group of men who allegedly made homophobic slurs [Video]

Nova Scotia News

A birthday celebration turned into a nightmare for a same-sex couple in downtown Halifax on Saturday after they got into a violent altercation with a group of men.

“A group of men walking on the other direction made a comment to me,” said Emma MacLean. “My girlfriend, Tori, said ‘hey that’s my girlfriend.’”

MacLean said this provoked the group, which led to them taunting her girlfriend and making homophobic slurs. “They continued walking and then Tori followed them to basically verbally say ‘that is not okay.’”

However, from there she said it escalated.

“I see Tori being pushed on the stairs right in front of the BMO centre and they are cement stairs and she’s on her back. That’s when all the men start punching and kicking her,” said MacLean.

MacLean said she shouted for them to stop but they ignored her, which is when she got involved.

“The fight or flight came in. I jumped on …

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