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Her daughter is accused of stabbing a 6-year-old. She says she warned officials [Video]

Canadian National News

The mother of the young Halifax woman now charged with attempted murder in the stabbing of a six-year-old boy says her daughter suffered severe mental health problems all her life and that the attack could have been prevented with appropriate mental health support.

Andrea Hancock says she understands that people are angry with her daughter — she’s angry too — but she says the 19-year-old is also severely unwell, and she warned police, social workers, doctors, shelter workers, therapists — even the neighbours — that her daughter was dangerous.  

“I said, ‘Somebody is going to get hurt … she’s going to die or somebody will die,'” she said this week during an exclusive interview in her home in Greenfield, N.S., a rural community about 130 kilometres west of Halifax. 

She said her daughter, Elliott Chorny, has struggled with mental illness since she was a child. Chorny managed her condition with …

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