Canadian National News

Heritage hedges? Special status could mean life or death for Kanata shrubbery [Video]

Residents of the Beaverbrook neighbourhood in Kanata North are hoping that a heritage designation from the city could help save a decades-old cedar hedge that they say gives the area its character.

A bylaw complaint about an unruly hedge is threatening the character of an Ottawa suburb, residents say, and a neighbourhood heritage designation may be their best hope to preserve it.

In early September, a bylaw officer visited Catherine Douglas’s home in the Beaverbrook neighbourhood of Kanata North.

The officer informed her the decades-old cedar hedge at the back of her property was encroaching on a narrow, poorly maintained walking path that runs alongside Beaverbrook Road.

Because she’d just paid to have the hedge trimmed in May, Douglas showed the officer a receipt for the work to prove she was caring for the hedge responsibly.

Coun. Cathy Curry says the tall cedar hedges found all over Beaverbrook help give …
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