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Highway 401 off-ramp reopens following deluge of Boxing Day shoppers [Video]

Ontario News

A Highway 401 off-ramp west of Toronto that became so clogged up with Boxing Day deal-hunters Thursday that police had to shut it down out of safety concerns has re-opened.

At around 1:30 p.m. today, Ontario Provicial police announced that they were shutting down the Highway 401 westbound off-ramp to Trafalgar Road in Halton Hills “for the safety of all.” Te off-ramp would be closed until further notice, they said in a post on X.

It re-opened shortly after 8 p.m.

OPP said earlier in the day that Boxing Day shoppers heading to Toronto Premium Outlets were facing a jam-up as they tried to get off the busy highway.

“Please consider using alternate routes as the #Hwy401 westbound exit to Trafalgar Rd is experiencing significant congestion due to Boxing Day traffic,” the service said in a tweet around 8:30 a.m.

Police had advised people looking to exit in the area to use Winston Churchill Boulevard or James Snow Parkway as alternatives.

Scores of deal …

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