First Nations News

Historic inquirys head cautions early end [Video]

The news

Any move by a future government to end Queensland’s in-process First Nations truth-telling inquiry and treaty groundwork would have a significant impact on the community, the inquiry’s head says.

“We don’t know if we’d ever get that opportunity again,” Truth-telling and Healing Inquiry chair Joshua Creamer told journalists after the independent inquiry’s ceremonial opening in Brisbane.

Joshua Creamer speaks to journalists on Monday, almost exactly 200 years since the start of the first European settlement in today’s Queensland.Credit: Matt Dennien

“It might be the only occasion we get to bring that history to the surface so that everyone can learn, explore and celebrate.”

Why it matters

What is set to be a three-year, First Nations-led inquiry to create “the authoritative record” of European colonisation and its impact in the past and present, has been itself decades in …

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