Pro-hamas gender theorists...?
Pro-hamas gender theorists...?
Pathways to prosperity – How federally mandated “Trans-Canada Corridors” can unlock our natural resources potential: Martin Ignasiak and Heather Exner-Pirot for Inside Policy

Holy heck, that Mark Carney launch was a letdown [Video]

Canadian National News

Mark Carney came to the official launch of his campaign for the federal Liberal leadership on Thursday as the favourite in this abbreviated contest. At least that’s what the pundits seemed to have decided.

Carney is the Liberal leader from central casting: whip smart; credentialed like nobody’s business; a native of the Far North who’s now connected globally; bilingual; handsome without being pretty. And as we learned from that interview with Jon Stewart on the Daily Show earlier this week, he can be personable, funny and quick on his feet.

Opinion articles are based on the author’s interpretations and judgments of facts, data and events. More details

Dave Snow explains the ideologically progressive bias behind research funding in Canada
Dave Snow explains the ideologically progressive bias behind research funding in Canada
Donald Trump’s budget priorities are a sign of an insular America, not an imperial one: Richard Shimooka, Balkan Devlen and Alexander Lanoszka in the Globe and Mail