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Homeless Londoners out in the cold [Video]

Ontario News

Warming centres are welcoming people experiencing homelessness in Toronto, but a much lower temperature criteria in London means the temporary spaces are not operating here.

The recent blast of cold and snowy weather has made living in his tent even more difficult for 40-year-old Robert.

“It’s been pretty miserable,” Robert admitted as he shovelled show from around the encampment in Evergreen Park.

“You wake up in the morning and you don’t know what to expect,” he explained. “If our tents are going to collapse down in on us. It’s kind of dangerous out here.”

The City of Toronto has opened its network of temporary warming centres in response to the worsening weather.

London has not.

The criteria for opening warming centres in Toronto is a temperature of minus 5 degrees (or below), or a Winter Weather Warning from Environment Canada.

Tent encampment in Watson Park buried in snow after a storm, December 6, …

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