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How a Montreal trans woman embraced her femininity through clothes [Video]

Quebec News

Wednesday marked the start of this year’s Transgender Awareness Week, which aims to increase understanding about this community.

Sometimes, this understanding starts on the outside, with our clothes.

But when it comes to fashion, Jeanette Scott says it’s about much more than just clothing and accessories.

It’s a reflection of who she is today.

“I want to be feminine so I do what I can to achieve that,” said the Montrealer in an interview on Thursday. “I feel that my clothes and how I dress is a big thing for that.”

Jeanette Scott, 72, came out to friends and family over the last year. (Laurence Brisson Dubreuil/CTV News)

Over the last year, the 72-year-old slowly came out to friends and family as a woman.

“I was happy as a man but I just realized I’d be a lot happier as a woman,” she said, admitting that she’s been hiding this part of herself for over 25 years.

It …

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