New Brunswick News

How a weekly phone call turned into a love story for 2 N.B. seniors [Video]

When you drive up to Brenda Trafford’s home in Murray Corner, in southeastern New Brunswick, you can see why she’d never want to leave.

It is a unique 12-sided, dodecagon house, with windows on all sides, overlooking the Northumberland Strait and the Confederation Bridge.

It’s a special place she shared with her husband, Tom, until he passed away nearly 12 years ago.

Trafford has kept herself busy with friends and family and creating crafts and clothing she sells at a local market.

But when she heard about the Nursing Homes Without Walls program, which matches volunteers with seniors in their communities, she signed up immediately.   

The volunteers run errands, drive seniors to appointments and do regular check-ins.

Trafford said knowing she would receive a phone call every Wednesday was “reassuring” and just what she needed.

“Somebody knows where I am and how I am,” she said.

Her initial match in …

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